The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

Links to other resources

Some useful links to other resources and organisations:

Opportunity for study: Post Graduate Diploma and MA pathway worship & liturgical studies (Durham University, Common Awards) taught entirely online

Art and Christianity ‘Ecclesiart Project’ – a gallery of contemporary art in places of worship

Christian Liturgy & Worship Studies Facebook group (Note: people have to request access to join this group)

Pray Tell: Worship, Wit and Wisdom Blog

Transforming Worship (formerly Praxis)

Societas Liturgica

The Society for Liturgical Study (SLS)

The Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowledge (SPCK)

Hymns Ancient and Modern

Grove Books

Liturgical Press

Alcuin Club publications at Canterbury Cathedral search for “Alcuin Club” For more information see the Research Blog