Alcuin Club

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

Publish with us

The Alcuin Club welcomes proposals for publications in all three of its series. Prospective authors are invited to contact the Publications Secretary [email protected] and to consult recent publications. Across all three series, we strive to make the best scholarship accessible and relevant to interested clergy and laity, as well as to the academic community.

Alcuin Club Collections are published annually, with an agreement with a suitable publisher arranged by the Club.

A standard Collection book is around 80-100,000 words long, including footnotes, and may take the form of an essay collection or a monograph. We do not normally publish PhD theses directly, but do welcome original research presented for an interested but non-technical audience. Initial enquires are encouraged, but authors will be requested to complete the book proposal form.

Joint Liturgical Studies are published normally twice a year by the JLS committee which comprises members of the Alcuin Club and Grove Books. They are published through SCM/Canterbury Press.

A standard JLS book is 18,000 words long, including footnotes. Occasionally we publish a single work of 36,000 words which is our only publication for that year. 

Black and white illustrations may be included. (Copyright permissions for images etc. are usually the responsibility of the author).

We have a wide readership of various backgrounds. While we welcome specialist publications we look to technical matters being explained. Greek and Hebrew and other foreign scripts are usually best transliterated. There are no royalties or fees.

No formal proposal is normally required for a JLS; prospective authors are invited to contact the editorial committee by emailing [email protected]. Normally, we wish to see a complete manuscript before we agree to publication.

Alcuin Liturgical Guides are published on an ad-hoc basis, with an agreement with a suitable publisher arranged by the Club.

A standard Guide is around 80,000 words long, including footnotes. These volumes should be particularly directed towards the needs of those planning and leading liturgy and worship. These have often been within the Anglican tradition, but there is no requirement that they be so. Initial enquiries are encouraged, but authors will be requested to complete the book proposal form.

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