The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

Society for Liturgical Study – Study Day 9 September 2023

Churches across the UK are currently busy preparing for the coronation of King Charles III in a fortnight’s time: a fitting moment to announce details for the upcoming Society for Liturgical Studies Study Day on Saturday, 9 September 2023.The Study Day invites participants to reflect on the design and impact of the liturgies devised for last year’s funeral of the late Queen Elizabeth II. We’re delighted that the Study Day will include input for those involved with the funeral at Westminster Abbey, and that there will be an opportunity for participants to visit the Abbey itself and consider the role of “space” in the creation of these liturgies.

The Study Day will offer the opportunity for a number of short papers, for further details see the full Call for Discussion Papers. The deadline for the submission of abstracts is in just over a month’s time, on Monday, 20 May 2023. SLS would be very grateful if you could forward this Call to colleagues, students and friends who may be interested.

For those wishing to participate in the Study Day (but not offer a paper for discussion), further details about registration will be available in July.