The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

Thanksgiving for the life and ministry of the Rt Revd Colin Buchannan

Colin Buchannan, a regular author of Alcuin Club publications, died on 29 November 2023.

There will be a service of thanksgiving for the life and ministry of the Bishop Colin, anAssistant Bishop in the Diocese of Leeds, on Saturday 20 January from 2pm to 3.30pm in Bradford Cathedral. All are welcome.

If you intend to attend, we would be grateful if you would sign up using the form which can be found here. The form page also contains travel, parking and accessibility information. Office holders are invited to robe and process. If you intend to do so, please indicate on the form and state your office. On the day, please arrive by 1.30pm in order to robe and be ready to process at 1.45pm. The dress code for those robing will be choir dress with copes, where appropriate.

The service will also be livestreamed via Bradford Cathedral’s social media accounts and an order of service will be available via Youtube link:

An obituary has been publishe in the Church Times and the Diocese of Leeds has published a tribute.