The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

Liturgical Inculturation in the Anglican Communion

SKU JLS 15 Category


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Joint Liturgical Study 15

including the York Statement ‘down to Earth Worship’

The International Anglican Liturgical Consultations were formally ‘recognized’ by the Anglican Consultative Council at its meeting in Singapore in 1987. In that same year the second Liturgical Consultation took place in Brixen and made its findings available to the A.C.C Subsequently, I was invited by the A.C.C Standing Committee to attend the third International Anglican Liturgical Consultation meeting at York in 1989 and act as a personal link between the Consultation and the Primates’ meeting and the A.C.C.

The theme of the York gathering was ‘liturgical’ inculturation, the same theme which had been addressed the previous week in York by the 12th Congress of Societas Liturgica, the international and ecumenical liturgical society. The Consultation’s statement, ‘Down to Earth Worship’, which focuses on liturgical inculturation and the Anglican Communion, has been circulated to the members both of the Primates’ meeting and of the A.C.C It will be on the agenda of the Anglican Consultative Council meeting in July 1990. At York it was thought desirable to supplement that relatively brief statement with a collection of essays written by some of the participants in the Consultation.

These essays examine certain central questions raised by inculturation and provide illustrative examples of liturgical inculturation in different parts of the Anglican Communion. They are offered, in the first instance, to the Primates and the members of the A.C.C. With the hope that they may prove to be of wider interest, however, they are offered also to bishops, members of liturgical commissions, teachers of liturgy and leaders of worship.

David R. Holeton