The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

The Alcuin Club

Promoting the Study of Liturgy

Revising the Eucharist: Groundwork for the Anglican Communion

SKU JLS 27 Category


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Joint Liturgical Studies 27

Studies in Preparation for the 1995 Dublin Consultation

At its Fourth Consultation in Toronto, the International Anglican Liturgical Consultation identified the eucharist as a topic that needed to be addressed in the same way as Christian initiation had been at IALC-4. The widespread attention and favourable reaction received by the Toronto Statement Walk in Newness of Lift encouraged the Steering Committee in this resolve.

When the Steering Committee met in Winchester in July 1992 to begin its planning for the next Consultation, which was scheduled to be held in August 1993, the realities of the present economic recession hit home. Most of the representatives of less economically developed provinces and member churches who were present at IALC-4 had been assisted through the generosity of two provinces. It was made clear that this financial support would not be available on
a biennial basis.

Instead of calling a full Consultation, the Steering Committee decided to go ahead with a Conference of the IALC for which no financial assistance would be made available. While the Steering Committee was aware of the effect this decision would have on the representative nature of the Conference, it was also acknowledged that the breadth and complexity of the issues involved in the subject required a preliminary meeting at which some of these issues would be delineated. This became the primary purpose of the 1993 Conference which was held at the Bildungshaus in Untermarchtal, Swabia, Germany.

David Holeton (editor)