Promoting the Study of Liturgy
Promoting the Study of Liturgy
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Alcuin Club Collection 96
In Introduction to Eastern Christian Liturgies, renowned scholars Stefanos Alexopoulos and Maxwell E. Johnson fulfill the need for a new, comprehensive, and straightforward survey of the liturgical life of the Eastern Christian Churches within the seven distinct liturgical Eastern rites still in existence today: Armenian, Byzantine, Coptic, Ethiopic, East Syrian, West Syrian, and Maronite. this topical overview covers baptism, chrismation, Eucharist, reconciliation, anointing, marriage, holy orders, burial, Liturgy of the Hours, the liturgical year, liturgical ethos and spirituality, and offers a brief yet comprehensive bibliography for further study.
This book will be of special interest to masters level students in liturgy and theology, pastoral ministers seeking an introduction to the liturgies of the Christian East, and all who seek to increase their knowledge of the Liturgical riches of the Christian East.
Stefanos Alexopoulos is an associate professor of liturgical studies and sacramental theology at the Catholic University of America, a Greek Orthodox priest, and the son and grandson of Greek Orthodox priests. He received his PhD in liturgical studies from the University of Notre Dame. in addition to his monograph on the Byzantine presanctified liturgy, he has coedited three books and published over thirty-five essays and articles.
Maxwell E. Johnson is professor of liturgy at the University of Notre Dame and a presbyter in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. His numerous publications are on the origins and development of early Christian liturgy, contemporary rites, and current ecumenical and theological questions in both East and West. He is the author and/or editor of more than twenty books and over one hundred essays and articles.
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